Are you looking for an idea for a nice simple dessert that looks effective, but does not require you to be a professional chef? Chocolate chia dessert rushes to the rescue. Children and husbands love it, it has few calories and looks like the chef’s work.
I wanted to try a nice low-calorie dessert that would be healthy, sugar-free, but tasted unusual at the same time. This is how the idea was born to make a dessert with chia and cocoa.
It’s great that any fruit goes well with it, just choose your favorite.
I chose strawberries because I love their combination with chocolate (simple and always on point). I think that kiwi, blueberries or even a ready-made apple or mango mousse will be simply delicious in this combination.
CHIA SEEDS – one tablespoon of this miracle has less than 50 calories and is rich in fiber and omega 3 acids. It is very filling, and the desserts made with them look amazing.
PLANT-BASED MILK – I used almond milk, because that’s what was already open in my fridge. Plus for a nice aroma of almonds, but if you don’t have almond milk at home, I think that any of them will do.
- 200ml of almond milk
- 3 tablespoons of chia seeds
- 1 tablespoon of honey or agave syrup
- 1 teaspoon of cocoa
- A handful of strawberries, nectarines or kiwi (if desired)
- A piece of dark chocolate without milk

- Mix the chia seeds with almond milk, add agave and cocoa syrup, mix thoroughly and leave for half an hour in the refrigerator. After this time, take the whole thing out and mix it again so that the chia seeds do not sink to the bottom of the dessert.
- Put it back in the fridge, this time for a few hours for the seeds to absorb the milk. The dessert is supposed to have the consistency of a thin pudding, as opposed to a coconut chia dessert.
- When the dessert has the right consistency, put your favorite fruit on top and sprinkle it with chocolate shavings.
Dessert is ready! Delicious and low in calories.

Wanna check some more chia recipes? Try Coconut chia cake